One Card to Rule them All

When I travel it gets kind of lonely and boring. Nothing else to do but eat, you guys already know that. However there is my other vice, which is… Online shopping. I am all about the gadgets. One thing I signed up for was this kick starter called Coin.

Coin empties your wallet. Well not like that. What is does it puts all your cards on one card. This one card takes the place all the 30 gift cards and credit cards and debit cards. Coin has worked at all 15 places I have used it since Saturday. It is awesome to see the eyes of the people when you pull it out and start pressing a button on the card and hand it to them.

It is very simple. First you take one of your existing cards and using the swipe adapter (that comes with the card) you plug the swipe into your headphone jack, similar to the square for payment, and swipe the card. Using the app it reads the card and all you have to do is name it. You also have the option to take a picture of it just in case.

Coin syncs to your phone, so if you forget your card in the wallet along with the check at Olive Garden, coin will send you a text that reminds you of the last location.

I know there are a ton of variables that could happen, so I still keep my primary cards in my wallet but it is nice to know that you have a piece of the future in your pocket.

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2 thoughts on “One Card to Rule them All

    1. Hey Jenna… Sorry It has taken me so long to reply. It was a pleasure to meet you and the place was amazing. I will have a write up after the weekend and also start the twitter, FB and Instagram accounts as well so keep checking back.
      Thank you again for stopping bye


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